Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury or disease through physical means. Physiotherapy at Physio4Wycombe is a therapy directed at treating physical conditions causing pain and discomfort or limitations to mobility and lifestyle.
The goal at Physio4Wycombe is to relieve pain and help individuals resume their normal daily activities.
Physiotherapy treatment is a recognised and effective solution for musculoskeletal problems. At your first appointment you will receive a thorough consultation
including the history of your problem, and a detailed examination.
The assessment may include tests of muscle flexibility, strength, joint movement and other special tests aiming to ascertain why the body has failed and evaluate how to prevent problems into the future.
Physiotherapy has a Strong Research Base
Physiotherapy is a well-established and respected allied health profession based on a strong research base of proven assessment and evidence based treatment techniques. Physiotherapists use many tools in treatment to provide integrated and effective treatment. You may require manual therapy, including joint mobilisation or manipulation, corrective exercise, postural retraining or other physical treatments.
Physiotherapists also use electrotherapy treatments including ultrasound, and other treatments such as acupuncture if useful for your condition. Treatment will be guided by best practice and current evidence based research.
Manual Therapy
The Clinic is a recognised centre for manual and manipulative therapy, with the use of trained hands to move the tissues and joints of the body. Manual therapy and rehabilitation exercise are universally recognised as very effective treatment for musculoskeletal problems.
Our approach emphasises treatments which are shown to be safe and effective through evidence based research.